Budget Tracker assists you in tracking your expenses with running averages of each of your monthly categories. You can see how your spending is over a long time and also see how you are improving or lowering your spending in certain areas. You can also plan ahead by seeing which months tend to run the highest. Planning your savings for tough months like December with Christmas and a high heating bill or July with vacation and a high air conditioning bill can help you from going into debt. Reports are available to print on your budget. Also, help included in the program. Get a grip and take control of your personal finances with Budget tracker. This program is free, so at least you won't have to worry about how much you spend on it! Also, be sure to check back now and again. We try to keep the program updated and to add new features when we think up something that would be helpful. Budget Tracker is designed to be easy to enter all your expense data. All the averages and monthly totals are on the main screen so you can get a quick view of your personal finances. Other data that is tracked includes an overall monthly average expenditure as well as the highest month and the lowest month. In the end, Budget Tracker’s goal is to help you get a grip on where your money is going allowing you to better manage your finances. NEW! New features to Budget Tracker v2.0 include: Custom Fields: This allows to to track your own expenses more closely. We've set up some fields that you may want to use (i.e. Clothing), but you may not want to track expenses Tuition or Prescriptions. Now you can easily make those changes in Budget Tracker. Monthly Print Out: There is an option to print a monthly expense report. Improved Help: We've tried to improve the help section of Budget Tracker so its even easier to use. |
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Step #1: Renegotiate debt, consolidate debt, and settle debt 4) Start investing in 401k plan or IRA
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