Get out of debt

 Step #6: Invest conservatively

Now you are on your way to letting your money work for you.  The best thing to do now is to get professional money manager for financial advice.  Be sure to check into the financial planner's credentials and be sure to shop around and not go with the first planner you talk to.  In general, I prefer to invest conservatively and to spread your risk out over several types of investments.  You've worked so hard to get to step #6, you don't want to throw it all away with a crazy gamble.  Most financial planners will do an excellent job.  But be wary of planner fees and broker commissions that don't seem fair.  Be sure to get all this in writing and review it.  Again, be sure to compare multiple financial planners to get the best deal and the planner you are most comfortable understands your financial position and where you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years.

Now you are on your way to letting your money work for you.  The best thing to do now is to get professional money manager for financial advice.  Be sure to check into the financial planner's credentials and be sure to shop around and not go with the first planner you talk to.  In general, I prefer to invest conservatively and to spread your risk out over several types of investments.  You've worked so hard to get to step #6, you don't want to throw it all away with a crazy gamble.  Most financial planners will do an excellent job.  But be wary of planner fees and broker commissions that don't seem fair.  Be sure to get all this in writing and review it.  Again, be sure to compare multiple financial planners to get the best deal and the planner you are most comfortable understands your financial position and where you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years.

Another recommendation I have is to educate yourself on different investment options.  Don't go into a meeting with a financial planner or money manager without any idea as to what they are talking about.  Go on the web or find some other resource where you can learn about different investment options from stocks to bonds to mutual funds to ETF (Exchange Traded Funds).

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6 Steps to no Debt 

Step #1:  Renegotiate debt, consolidate debt, and settle debt

2) Pay off your credit card

3) Get some emergency savings

4) Start investing in 401k plan or IRA

5) Pay off other debt

6) Invest conservatively

Controlling Expenses 

1) Utilities

2) Food

3) Clothing

4) Entertainment

5) Gas

6) Other "Stuff"

Financial Mistakes to Avoid

Holding Loser Investments and Stocks

Not saving for Retirement

Interest Free

Interest Only Home Mortgages

Cash Value Life Insurance

Other Info

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