

 What are the types Insurance companies? 

Most insurance companies fall into two areas; those that sell life insurance and those that don't. The two products are very different and usually fall under different types of laws and accounting regulations. Also, the basic nature of the businesses are very different in that life insurance is a long term business and coverage, where other types of insurance can be much shorter term.

Another type of insurance company is often referred as insurance consultants. These companies do not actually provide the insurance, but act more as sales reps. They may represent or "resell" insurance from a number of companies. They try to look at their clients needs and then get the best insurance premium available for them in the marketplace.

One other type of insurance company is Reinsurance. These are giant insurance companies that sell insurance to other insurance companies.

Whatever insurance company you choose, it's always a good idea to get multiple quotes and to do a quick background check on the company. Make sure they are legitimate and financially sound.


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Types of Insurance

Home Insurance

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Principles of Insurance

Contract Principles of Insurance


How an Insurance Company Makes Money

How Insurance rates are determined

Types of Insurance Companies

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Please Note: THIS IS NOT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE.�If you need specific advice please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area.� Please note that we are not insurance experts or lawyers. We accept no liabilty and claim no validity�for the information on this site.�Information on this site may not be accurate. �Insurance customers should always consult their insurance company and/or agent as well as their lawyer to get a good understanding of coverage and other legal questions/concerns about their insurance policy or any policy they intend to buy.

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