


Dental insurance, similar to health insurance, is coverage for individuals to protect them against dental costs. There are all sorts of dental insurance plans. Most plans have a cap for the year. For example, your cap may be $1500. So, once the dental insurance company has paid out $1500 in total expenses, that's it. They will not cover anything else.

Many people get thier dental insurance through their employer and have little to no choice of the type of coverage they have. Often they are limited to certain dentists that are "in-plan".

There are all sorts of rules in each plan on what is covered. This can vary from plan to plan. One example is a broken crown is often only covered if the crown is 5 years old or more. If the crown breaks at 4 years and you get it repaired, it may not be covered by your dental insurance. Another example is the type of filling. You may get a filling only to find out that your dental insurance only covers a less expensive type of filling. You will likely have to pay the difference. It may be worth it, but it's good to understand and be able to ask your dentist the differences ahead of time.

Keeping your teeth healthy is a good priority, but it's also expensive. Regardless of the type of dental insurance you have you should take good care of your teeth and gums. I hate to sound like a dentist, but be sure you brush twice a day, floss, and go to the dentist for a check up every 6 months.

Be sure to understand your dental insurance coverage before any dental work. What is and isn't covered by dental insurance can be extremely complex. It is always a good idea to get the exact coverage in writing from your dental insurance company prior to any dental procedure.. Be sure to ask your dentist or dental insurance company any questions you have and don't be afraid to ask again if you don't understand.


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Please Note: THIS IS NOT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE.�If you need specific advice please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area.� Please note that we are not insurance experts or lawyers. We accept no liabilty and claim no validity�for the information on this site.�Information on this site may not be accurate. �Insurance customers should always consult their insurance company and/or agent as well as their lawyer to get a good understanding of coverage and other legal questions/concerns about their insurance policy or any policy they intend to buy.

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