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Bing CrosbyFilmography - Movies that have starred Bing Crosby.
The multi-talented Bing Crosby is famous for his beautiful voice, his comedy, and his acting. Bing won an Oscar for his performance in Going My Way. Crosby is perhaps most known for the movie and song White Christmas (Micheal Curtiz ) which, at one time, was considered the most popular recording of all time. Bing Crosby and his buddy Bob Hope made a number of very funny and entertaining "Road" movies over the years. Crosby was in 30 movies besides the 7 Road movies. He was also in numerous variety shows over the years. Our favorite Bing Crosby movies include the "Road" movies with Bob Hope. They are still funny and clever and enjoyable to watch. Bing is really a nickname. His real first name is Harry. |
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