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Gary OldmanFilmography - Movies that have starred Gary Oldman.p>
Gary Oldman has appeared in over 30 movies. He is British and his given name is Leonard Gary Oldman. Some notable Gary Oldman movies include Air Force One (Harrison Ford), True Romance, and Oliver Stone's JFK (Kevin Costner). Like many actors, Oldman started his career with a successful run on the stage. Since moving to the movie scene, he has played a variety of characters including Sid Vicious, Dracula, Ludwig van Beethoven, Lee Harvey Oswald, Pontius, Pilate, and the Devil. As you can see, he is known for playing interesting, crazy, and sometimes evil characters. In 1997 Gary Oldman directed, produced, and wrote Nil by Mouth , partially based on his life, which went on to win the Alexander Korda Award for Best British Film, the Empire Award, and was declared by the British Film Academy as one of the 100 best films of all time. |
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