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 Harrison Ford

Filmography - Movies that have starred Harrison Ford.

Hollywood Homicide 2003
K-19: The Widowmaker 2002
Apocalyse Now Redux 2001
What Lies Beneath 2000
Random Hearts 1999
Six Days, Seven Nights 1998
Air Force One 1997
The Devil's Own 1997
Sabrina 1995
Clear and Present Danger 1994
The Fugitive 1993
Patriot Games 1992
Regarding Henry 1991
Presumed Innocent 1990
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989
Working Girl 1988
Frantic 1987
The Mosquito Coast 1986
Witness 1985
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984
Return of the Jedi 1983
Blade Runner 1982
Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
The Empire Strikes Back 1980
Apocalypse Now 1979
The Frisco Kid 1979
Hanover Street 1979
Force 10 From Navarone 1978
Heroes 1977
The Possessed 1977
Star Wars 1977
The Conversation 1974
American Graffiti 1973
Getting Straight 1970
Luv 1967
Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round 1966

Harrison Ford movies are the most financially successful movies for any actor in the history of Hollywood film.  Between the Star Wars Trilogy and the Indiana Jones movies the overall gross success of Harrison's movies is staggering.  Harrison Ford's success doesn't stop there.  Ford was in The Fugitive with Tommy Lee Jones.  Harrison played Jack Ryan in a couple of Tom Clancy movies (Presumed Innocent and Patriot Games).  Harrison Ford was also in such famous movies as Blade Runner, American Graffiti, and Apocalypse Now.  Ford is mostly known for his action films, but also played comedic and serious roles expertly.

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