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  Leonardo DiCaprio

Filmography - Movies that have starred Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Aviator 2004
Catch Me if You Can 2002
Gangs of New York 2002
The Beach 2000
Celebrity 1998
The Man in the Iron Mask 1998
Titanic 1997
Marvin's Room 1996
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1996
The Basketball Diaries 1995
Total Eclipse 1995
The Quick and the Dead 1994
This Boy's Life 1993
What's Eating Gilbert Grape? 1993
Critters 3 1991

Leonardo DiCaprio has only appeared in around 15 movies, however he has to be considered one of Hollywoods most popular leading men.  Early in his career, DiCaprio was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for What's Eating Gilbert Grape, but DiCaprio soared to superstar status with his role in Titanic (James Cameron, Kate Winslet).  Other notable movies that have featured Leonardo DiCaprio include Gangs of New York, Catch Me if You Can (Tom Hanks), and The Aviator (Martin Scorsese).  Playing Howard Hughes in the Aviator was a dream of DiCaprio's.  Leonardo DiCaprio is also best friends with Tobey Maguire.

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