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Tom Cruise Filmography - Movies that have starred Tom Cruise.
Interesting Info on Tom Cruise Movies: Tom has been in 29 movies (as of 2005). Tom Cruise's first movie was Taps in 1981. The most movies to be released in a single year starring Tom Cruize has been three. This happened three times (1983, 1986, 2002). Since Tom's first movie there have been several years with no new releases starring Tom (1984, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1995, 1997, 1998). Tom Cruise has won three Golden Globe awards: Best Supporting Actor in Magnolia, Best Actor in Jerry Maguire, and Best Actor in Born on the 4th of July. Tom Cruise has been nominated for Academy Awards 3 times, but has never won. Tom Cruise is one of Hollywood�s top movie stars. At the start of Cruise�s career he had some small roles in fairly big movies including The Outsiders (Matt Dillon) and Taps. Tom Cruise gained fame as a teen star with Risky Business and All the Right moves, but it was Top Gun that shot Tom to international fame. Tom Cruises movie success has yet to wane. Other notable Tom Cruise movies include Rain Man (Dustin Hoffman), Born on the 4th of July, A Few Good Men (Jack Nicholson), Jerry Maguire (Renee Zellweger), and Mission: Impossible. Cruise is also known for his relationships with actresses Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, and Katie Holmes. Tom Cruise has received three Academy Award nominations. |
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