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Tom HanksFilmography - Movies that have starred Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks is one of the most prolific movie actors of our time. Tom Hanks not only is a great movie actor, but consistently puts out top quality movies and characters. Tom Hanks has appeared in over 31 movies. Forrest Gump won Tom Hanks the Oscar for best actor and also won the best movie award. Several other Tom Hanks performances and movies have garnered awards. Memorable Tom Hanks characters include Woody Cowboy of Toy Story and Toy Story 2. One of the all time great kid characters in movies. Also, Hanks performance in the movie The Terminal (Catherine Zeta-Jones) was masterful. Tom Hanks movies are almost a guarantee of high quality, good acting, and a memorable time. Tom's movies have a wide variety of genre and style. Hanks puts a touch of humanity into his roles and injects them right into the movie like no other actor of our time. Other notable Tom Hanks movies include Catch Me if You Can (Leonardo DiCaprio), The Green Mile (Michael Clarke Duncan), Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg), Apollo 13 (Kevin Bacon), and Philadephia (Denzel Washington ). Tom Hanks is an American movie actor. |
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