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Tommy Lee JonesFilmography - Movies that have starred Tommy Lee Jones.
Tommy Lee Jones has been in 46 movies during is long and varied movie career. Jones was originally more of a TV and stage actor who played minor roles in the movies. Then in the 90's with Tommy's outstanding performances in JFK (Oliver Stone) and The Fugitive (Harrison Ford), Tommy Lee Jones moved into lead movie roles and Jones became a major film actor on the Hollywood movie scene. Tommy Lee Jone has played varying roles from the villain in Batman Forever (Nicole Kidman) to the comic hero in Men in Black (Will Smith). Some interesting tidbits on Tommy Lee Jones: Tommy was the room mate of Al Gore at Harvard and graduated at the top of his class. Other notable Tommy Lee Jones movies include Space Cowboys (Clint Eastwood) and US Marshalls . Tommy Lee Jones stoic and tough, yet somehow funny portrayal of characters is very entertaining. Tommy Lee Jones is an American movie actor. |
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