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Topher Grace


Filmography - Movies that have starred Topher Grace.

In Good Company 2004
PS 2004
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton 2004
Ocean's Twelve 2004
Mona Lisa Smile 2003
Ocean's Eleven 2001
Traffic 2000

Widely known as Eric Forman from the TV sitcom That 70's Show, Topher Grace has started to make a name for himself in the movies.  Topher Grace started off strong with a winning performance in the drug movie Traffic (Michael Douglas).  Grace then played some strange cameo appearances as himself in Ocean's Eleven (Matt Damon) and Ocean's Twelve (Brad Pitt).  With the movie In Good Company (Dennis Quaid ), Topher Grace has proven himself as a lead actor.  Although there were some other outstanding performances in the movie, Grace helped make the movie believable with an honest struggle to bring some meaning to his life.  Topher Grace has just begun his movie career, but much is expected in the years to come.

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